If you have previous studies or professional experience relevant to your current program, you may be eligible to receive credit or exemption for certain courses.
What is credit?
Credit is assigned to recognise prior learning completed before starting a program or for approved study outside of the program. This value acknowledges that the learning is equivalent to the program's content and learning outcomes.
Credit is awarded as either specified or unspecified credit and will have a unit value attached (six units per course). The units you receive as credit count towards the unit requirements for your program, which may shorten the program's duration.
Definitions for specified and unspecified credit are below.
What is exemption?
Exemption is typically awarded if prior learning is demonstrated as equivalent to part of the program's content and learning outcomes.
Exemptions are only granted for compulsory courses and those which form a prerequisite for other courses. If you receive a course exemption, no unit value is assigned. This means that the exemption does not count towards the unit or course requirements for your program, nor towards any majors or minors.
More information about what to do if you are awarded an exemption can be found below.
Should I submit a Credit Application or a Permission Code Request?
If you want your prior learning to be formally recognised and counted towards the requirements of your program (which can shorten the program's duration), you should submit a Credit Application.
If you only need to demonstrate that you have met the prerequisite for a course to enrol in a subsequent course, you should submit a Permission Code Request.
To learn about the University’s requirements for credit and exemption, please refer to the following web pages:
Semester | Deadline |
Semester 1 | 31 January |
Semester 2 | 30 June |
Applications will reopen in April and September, after each study period Census date.
Before applying, make sure you have all the required supporting documents ready.
You can only submit one application per round (see above application deadlines). To ensure your application is considered, please read the requirements below carefully.
All applications for course credit and exemption require the ‘CECC Course Details Form’ section to be completed (included in the online application form).
Within the ‘CECC Course Details Form’ section, you must indicate which ANU course you are seeking credit for, and provide the details of the prior learning or work experience that will be considered for assessment. We will not guess or expand our assessment. We will only assess what is requested on the form.
Other required evidence depends on the type of prior learning for which you are seeking credit and exemption.
All documents must meet Document certification and translation requirements.
Outcomes for complete applications are provided within 20 working days. To check status or withdraw your application, please contact CECC Student Services.
The decision to award you an amount of credit or no credit at all are made under the ANU policy: Recognition of Prior Learning.
If you believe you have grounds, you may appeal this decision. Please follow the instructions listed in your CECC Credit & Exemption Outcome email.
Specified credit is awarded when prior learning is demonstrated as exact or similar to an ANU course or courses. It can be awarded as a core, major, minor, specialisation or elective course or courses.
Example: COURSE A is equivalent to COMP1100 (6 units)
If you receive specified credit, you are not required to complete the recognised course or courses and the duration of your degree may be reduced.
Unspecified Credit
Unspecified credit is awarded when prior learning is demonstrated as relevant to the overall learning outcomes of your degree. It is usually awarded as satisfying elective(s).
Example: COURSE B satisfies ANU-Elective (6 units)
If you receive unspecified credit, you will complete fewer courses and the duration of your degree may be reduced.
Exemption is awarded if prior learning is demonstrated as relevant to part of the learning outcomes of an ANU course or courses. If you receive an exemption, you are not required to complete the recognised course or courses but must complete another approved course in its place.
If you receive an exemption for a course when an alternate is listed, you must complete the listed alternative course to satisfy the program requirements of the degree. For example, if a Master of Computing student receives an exemption from COMP6331, they are required to complete the alternative course COMP6340.
Exemption is also awarded when prior learning is considered to have met pre-requisites for a higher level course.
Example: COURSE C exempts COMP6262, allowing you to enrol directly into COMP6320