Hopefully someone can help me out here. I need to clean up some data on a regular interval but short of doing it manually I haven't come up with a good solution. Here is the flow that I go through manually. I have a top level folder called "Data", under it I have several folders, around 100 that come and go. Under each of those there is a file called folder.jpg. There is also subfolders under this directory but I need it to stop at the root level. Ideally, what it would do is search through each folder and look to see if there is a file called show.jpg in there, if there is ignore the folder and move on. If not, look in the same folder for a file called folder.jpg and copy it to a new file called show.jpg. Sounds easy in my mind.
88.1k 64 64 gold badges 266 266 silver badges 308 308 bronze badges
asked Oct 8, 2014 at 18:44
15 1 1 silver badge 7 7 bronze badges
You've tagged this VBScript - does it have to be in VBScript, or will batch/PowerShell do? What version of Windows?
Commented Oct 8, 2014 at 18:46
"Sounds easy in my mind." - What have you written so far?