Information about humanitarian visas

Three children and <a href=a woman in a self-made tent in Afghanistan. Similar tents can be seen in the background." width="" height="" />

If you would like to bring an at-risk relative to Switzerland or apply for a humanitarian visa for yourself, here you find information on the procedure.

Advisory service closed

We closed our advisory service in mid-December 2021 . Having analysed developments with regard to legal access to international protection, the SRC decided to channel its expertise and resources into family reunification. We remain in contact with the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) in our search for solutions to provide individuals whose lives or physical integrity are in danger with access to international protection.

Read our final report (in German)

What is a humanitarian visa?

In Switzerland, humanitarian visas are issued by the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM). To be eligible for a Swiss humanitarian visa, an individual’s life or physical integrity must be directly, seriously and tangibly endangered. The connection to Switzerland is an important factor. You can find more information in the Prerequisites section.
The application must be submitted in person at a Swiss representation (embassy or consulate).


A humanitarian visa can only be issued if the following prerequisites are met:

Other important factors

Consider the benefits and risks carefully

Applying for a visa is expensive and entails high risks. If there is no Swiss representation in the country where you are currently staying, you will need to travel to a third-party country. We therefore recommend you think carefully about the benefits and risks before making a decision.


Step 1: Make an appointment at the Swiss representation button-add

Step 2: Submit the application directly to the Swiss representation button-add

Step 3: Your application will be checked button-add


The Swiss representation does not charge for humanitarian visas. But applying for a visa is nevertheless very expensive. Depending on where you are, you will need to undertake a long, dangerous journey. You will also need to arrange and pay for translations of your application documents. If the representation must arrange for an interpreter, you may be required to cover the costs.

Appeal or complaint

If the Swiss representation has refused the application, an appeal may be submitted to the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM). There is then the opportunity to file a complaint with the Federal Administrative Court.

If you want to submit an appeal or a complaint, we recommend you seek the advice of a lawyer. However, be careful with anyone who promises you a positive outcome. The procedure is very strict.